About This Blog

This blog is a chronicle of my insane personal challenge to celebrate at least one holiday or special day for every single day of 2009. Check back daily for new posts and days to add to next year's calendar!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

In apology:

I would like to take a quick opportunity to apologize to whatever small, but hopefully loyal, readership I have amassed thus far. The thing I would like to say that I’m sorry for is the inconsistency in the quality of my posts. I’d like to think I have a standard for them, but thinking back on some recent entries, I see that I’m sadly mistaken. As much as I would like to say that some day when I’m feeling particularly inclined that I will edit the offending posts to improve their quality, but if I’m going to be completely honest with myself… it’s probably not going to happen. I’d also like to say that from here on out I’ll keep the standard of posts to a high point, but I’m likely to falter on that, too. Indeed it will most likely happen frequently and on many a post. Quite frankly, it’ll probably happen on the easier holidays. I mean, how much more can one really put for Strawberry Ice Cream Day than “I ate some strawberry ice cream”. It’s a shame, but it’s the truth. I’ll try to keep better blogging habits up for you folks out there, but… please keep in mind that I will more than likely falter more than once in the future, and I hope you’ll forgive me for that.


Continued silence on the part of a certain Comedy Central notable...

Yes, Colbert, I'm talking about you. It's un-American the way you ignore the fact that I called you out on ignoring Bald Eagle Day on the fourteenth. Even if you didn't have the responsibility to your adopted bald eagle SON to acknowledge the day, your commentary on your own patriotism comes into question because of this. While I am fine with the fact that most citizens, patriotic or not, are unaware of the fact that the national bird has its own holiday, a television host like you who will go far enough as to have shelves of honour on your set (which, by the way, you refer to as "the EAGLE's nest"...) that you should overlook such a ripe opportunity to show your love for America. For shame, Stephen, for shame... I wag my finger at you, and your patriotism is, as of now, officially On Notice.


January 17th - Pig Day


Pig Day's celebrations seemed obvious to me when I looked ahead at the beginning of the week to see what holidays I would soon be facing. A screening of the 1973 classic animated adaptation of E.B. White's "Charlotte's Web" and for a bit of twisted irony, a pork dinner. Though I have not yet supped on the pork chops, they are set out to thaw and their consumption is imminent. Only moments ago did my mom, baby sister (who fell asleep around the third song) and I finish watching the Hanna Barbera feature, and now seemed like the time right time to blog, so here you go.

Along with the aforementioned movie, this morning brought a minor epiphany of sorts on a further pig day celebration, and I also watched (via my DVD box set of the first three series) the episode "The Happy Event" of the 1970s BBC sitcom 'The Good Life' (retitled to 'Good Neighbors' for its U.S. airing to avoid confusion with a similarly titled series over here). This episode, like the film I watched, deals with the struggle to keep a runt pig alive, albiet under highly different circumstances, and in a vastly different manner.


If it were Spring, or if one has access to a farm so that they can visit an actual pig, that would be a good option. Same with reading a book or story with at least one pig as a central character (or if it's more convenient, watching an adaptation thereof). Play with stuffed animal pigs, wear a pig mask, whatever strikes your fancy that is swine related is fine. If you choose to honour a police officer, however, make sure they have a good sense of humour first as I don't want any of my readers being jailed on account of me.


This is a redundant holiday since March 1st is actually an official pig related holiday (National Pig Day), and seems to be a made up one. However, I wasn't able to find any other well-celebratable holidays on this date, and I don't wish to make up too many, so I'll just have to attempt to actually visit a farm and/or read 'Animal Farm' in March.


I briefly considered "Pigs (Three Different Ones)" by Pink Floyd for the spot, but being that I avoided Orwell's 'Animal Farm' for today's celebrations as explained above, it seems more appropriate to pick a song from the animated 'Charlotte's Web' for the song du jour. With that said, I have selected "Zuckerman's Famous Pig" from the Sherman Bros' score to the film as a proper celebratory number for today.


-This is the first potentially redundant holiday I have chosen to celebrate along with the more properly ordained version on my calendar.

Other Holidays and observances on this date include:
-Zirgu Diena in Ancient Latvia
-Benjamin Franklin's Birthday
-Shari Lewis's Birthday
-Catholic Feast Days for St. Anthony, Bl. Amelbert, Sulpitius the Pious, Mildgytha, and the Venerable Anthony the Great (Byzantine Catholicism)

The reason I had to make up some holidays on this blog.

We haven't come to any of them yet, but there are going to be a handfull of days throughout the year that I had to invent new holidays for since I was unable to find pre-existing holidays for those dates. Since my plan isn't "celebrate at least one holiday for whatever days actually have them throughout the year" but rather "celebrate at least one holiday for every day of the year," I decided that if it became necessary to invent a new holiday just for the sake of this blog, I would do it. At the time I was under the assumption that I would actually be able to find a holiday or at the very least a saint observance for each of this year's 364 1/4 days, but, as is apparent to anyone reading this, that is not the case. When we come to these days (and I may add a few as we go since for some days the only holidays I'm able to celebrate are also redundant to other holidays on the list, but we'll cross that bridge when it stands before us) I will inform you of the fact in the 'historical/cultural significance' and 'footnotes' sections of those days' blog posts.


January 16th's Footnotes

As yesterday was "Nothing Day" I found it inappropriate to create a full post at the time, but I said that I would probably add the footnotes list of other holidays and observances to this blog at some point, so here it is:

-Teacher's Day (Thailand)
-Natl. Religious Freedom Day (United States)
-Hat Day (arguably, I've seen it listed on other dates as well and may celebrate it on one of them)
-Natl. Fig Newton Day
-Catholic Feast Days for Beard of Carbio, St. Fursey, and Honoratus of Arles

As a further footnote, I'm uncertain as whether it was supposed to be "National Nothing Day" or just "Nothing Day" as the sources vary on what its' proper title is.

Why so silent?

To my probably small number of readers so far, you need not be so silent in the comments section. I know some of you are probably put off from commenting since you assume that you'd have to register for blogger to comment, but let me inform you: that is not the case. I left the comments section public just to make feedback easier. Even if your posts are just something along the lines of "First comment! lulz" or something as uncultured as that, I'd still appreciate the feedback. Please note that I would prefer intelligent, cultured commentary and feedback, but really, anything would be fine.


Friday, January 16, 2009

January 16th - Nothing Day

Hey folks, early post today. Although there were multiple options for what to do with today's post and holiday, I decided that the Nothing Day option was the easiest and therefore the one I most wanted to take advantage of. In celebration of it, I'm breaking with the blog post form slightly and doing... basically nothing! That's right, to properly celebrate this holiday, I'm gonna take the day off from regular posting. Might do a couple 'The Blog Itself' posts later to clear up a few things if I feel like it, but that's to be determined. I promise you a footnotes only post later to list what else people around the world may be celebrating today, but none of that here right now.
I'm gonna enjoy my effective day off from this thing (without breaking from my promise) and I hope any of you who check it before too late in the day do too.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

January 15th - Natl. Strawberry Ice Cream Day

Ignoring me, eh Colbert? You can't hold off on it forever. I'm calling you out daily until you respond.


Naturally, I had a bowl of strawberry ice cream. Eating something so cold when it's so cold out felt weird, but... it was easy.


Eating and/or making some strawberry ice cream is a simple enough answer. I plan to edit in a recepie for it in the near future.


It seems to be another made up holiday. Hm... it's boring just saying that for stuff. I'm gonna edit in historical significance of the stuff that the days are made for at some point. It'll stand for now, though.


Even though I know the song is actually a sexual euphenism, "Ice Cream Man" by Tom Waits feels like a good fit for me.


Other Holidays and observances on this date include:
-John Chilembwe Day in Malawi
-Korean Alphabet Day in North Korea
-Kerala in India, Makaravilakku or Makara Sankranthy at Sabarimala
-Jallikattu in South India
-Catholic Feast Days for St. Abeluzius (Ethiopian Orthodox), St. Ita (Roman Catholic), St. Paul the Hermit, and St. Macarius of Egypt

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Stephen Colbert, I'm calling you out!

Colbert Nation, I already told you that Stephen Colbert should be held responsible to pay attention to when Bald Eagle Day is since he's got an adopted bald eagle son, Stephen Jr.
But, lo and behold: no mention of either Bald Eagle Day OR Stephen Jr. on his show tonight! Shocking! The bald eagle is the United States of America's NATIONAL BIRD and he didn't even pay attention to THAT?!? For shame.
I'm calling him out. He'd better have me on his show and explain to me face-to-face why he let that pass by his attention on his January 14, 2009 show, or else he is a coward.

You read that, Colbert? I'm calling you out!


January 14th - Bald Eagle Day

Finally caught up to the regular scheduling today after the server problems happening at Blogger HQ.


My original plans had me going over to the Detroit Zoo to see the bald eagles there, but unfortunately the extreme cold weather made that out of the question, so I just watched a program about them on Animal Planet instead.


If you're Stephen Colbert, you should've visited Stephen Jr. If you didn't... I'm calling you out on it. Yeah, you read that right, I'm calling Stephen Colbert out if he didn't make an effort to visit his adopted bald eagle son for this! Any members of the Colbert Nation who may read this, let him know. I don't blame others for not knowing, but if you're like him and have a bald eagle in your family, you REALLY SHOULD keep track of such things. For everyone else who can, birdwatching for the species would probably be good, and for those who can't, Animal Planet seems like a good option.


It's just another random one I found online.


Today doesn't get one.


-Stephen Colbert had better read this!

Other Holidays and observances on this date include:
-Tamil New Year
-Pongal in South India
-New Year's Day and the Day of St. Basil the Great in Eastern Orthodox
-Makar Sankranti in India
-Feast of Divina Pastora in Barquisimito, Venezuela
-Feast of the Ass
-National Dress Up Your Pet Day
-National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day
-Catholic Feast Days for Barba'shmin, Felix of Nola, Macrina the Elder, and St. Sava

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January 13th - Poetry Break Day

Finally almost caught up! I'll have today's actual post (the 14th's) up by midnight and will be back on track for tomorrow, w007!


I simply took a break to read poetry for a bit today.


Simply doing the same as I did should suffice.


It's another of the made-up ones that I found online.


"Poets" by the Tragically Hip seems to fit.


-This is probably the single shortest post that I'll make in this blog.

Other Holidays and observances on this date include:
-St. Knut's Day, a Swedish day ending their Christmas season with the disposal of their Christmas Trees
-Old New Year in various Russophone countries is celebrated on this night
-Make Your Dreams Come True Day
-Rubber Duckie's Birthday (yes... Ernie's toy on Sesame Street...)
-Catholic Feast Day for Hilary of Poitiers

Monday, January 12, 2009

January 12th - National Pharmacist Day


I simply walked down the street to the Walgreens on the corner of 8 Mile and Kelly Roads and wished the person working the pharmacy counter there a happy National Pharmacist Day.


If you have to go to a pharmacy, leaving a tip, giving a card, or simply wishing the employees there a happy holiday would work. If you're a doctor, you might buy your pharmacy technicians a cake, same if you manage a store with a pharmacy. If you actually work at a pharmacy, bringing in cards for your co-workers seems like a good idea.


This is another one that seems to be just randomly made up. I checked briefly to see if there were a Saint with connection to medecine, apothecaries, or modern-day pharmacies observed on this day, but there isn't.


"I Feel Fantastic" by Jonathan Coulton is a song about the over-abundance of prescription drugs in our culture, so it seems like a nice ironic fit.


Other Holidays and observances on this date include:
-Zanzibar Revolution Day in Tanzania
-National Youth Day and Swami Vivekananda's Birthday in India
-Coming-of-Age Day in Japan (2nd Monday)
-Work Harder Day
-Natl. Marzipan Day
-Catholic Feast Days for Benedict Biscop and St. Tatiana

Sunday, January 11, 2009

January 11th - Milk Day and Intl. Thank You Day


International Thank You Day seems like one where I should pay extra mind to thanking people for stuff. This is not outside the bounds of my normal behavior. Basically this is antoher one, like Trivia Day, which I just acted normally for and decided to call it celebration.

Milk Day, however, is a different story. I normally don't drink milk that much. Maybe once a day with a meal, or a couple times if I have coffee. For this day, however, I decided to drink some milk with, or use milk in the preparation of every meal.


If you are a teacher (and it hadn't happened to have fallen on Sunday this year), Intl. Thank You Day seems like a perfect one to stress proper manners to your students. If that doesn't apply to you, simply being courteous, and actively saying 'thank you' to people when they do something nice for you and being mindful to keep it up all day seems like a good option.

Had Milk Day not been placed in the middle of January, or were I living in a different state, it would seem like a good option for a day to visit a farm and perhaps learn how to milk a cow. For those freezing their asses off like me, however, what I did is probably your best option.


Both days were probably just randomly made up by people.


The first choice to spring to mind would be the Led Zeppelin classic "Thank You".


-Despite falling in the middle of my server problems with Blogger, this one didn't have a filler post, so I had to attempt to back-date it. (Which worked!)

Other Holidays and observances on this date include:
-Unity Day in Nepal
-Republic Day in Albania
-Independence Resistance Day in Morocco
-Eugenio Maria de Hostos Day in Puerto Rico
-First Day of Carmentalia in Ancient Rome
-Secret Pal Day
-John Hancock's Birthday
-Natl. Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friend Day
-Catholic Feast Days for Paulinius of Aquileia and Theodosius the Cenobiarch