About This Blog

This blog is a chronicle of my insane personal challenge to celebrate at least one holiday or special day for every single day of 2009. Check back daily for new posts and days to add to next year's calendar!

Monday, January 12, 2009

January 12th - National Pharmacist Day


I simply walked down the street to the Walgreens on the corner of 8 Mile and Kelly Roads and wished the person working the pharmacy counter there a happy National Pharmacist Day.


If you have to go to a pharmacy, leaving a tip, giving a card, or simply wishing the employees there a happy holiday would work. If you're a doctor, you might buy your pharmacy technicians a cake, same if you manage a store with a pharmacy. If you actually work at a pharmacy, bringing in cards for your co-workers seems like a good idea.


This is another one that seems to be just randomly made up. I checked briefly to see if there were a Saint with connection to medecine, apothecaries, or modern-day pharmacies observed on this day, but there isn't.


"I Feel Fantastic" by Jonathan Coulton is a song about the over-abundance of prescription drugs in our culture, so it seems like a nice ironic fit.


Other Holidays and observances on this date include:
-Zanzibar Revolution Day in Tanzania
-National Youth Day and Swami Vivekananda's Birthday in India
-Coming-of-Age Day in Japan (2nd Monday)
-Work Harder Day
-Natl. Marzipan Day
-Catholic Feast Days for Benedict Biscop and St. Tatiana

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