About This Blog

This blog is a chronicle of my insane personal challenge to celebrate at least one holiday or special day for every single day of 2009. Check back daily for new posts and days to add to next year's calendar!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tut, tut, Colbert... I really expect better of you...

I'm still wagging my finger at Mr. Stephen Colbert for missing Bald Eagle Day. Like I have said in all of these posts on the subject, I really expect better of him than this. All I can do is keep track of whether he makes mention of it or not, and so far, he has not. I've got my eye on you, Colbert. Stephen, Jr. deserves better.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Posts coming tomorrow....

This computer here at my mom's is taking to long to do the regular sort of posting on, so I'm gonna have to wait until tomorrow to do more of these, sorry.


EDIT: Pushed back again to Tuesday due to unexpected difficulties.

EDITORIAL: a few thoughts on Black History Month

I think segregating the important black people throughout American and world history to be specifically taught about during one specific month, the SHORTEST month mind you, is just wrong. By giving them this "honour" they are being treated less respectfully in my mind than other historical figures. History should not care what race you are unless it's important to your specific act, and even then, it should not affect how you are taught about to future generations.

All history should be taught equally and together, unless you choose to be a racist or bigot that is...

I see no reason that when teaching a unit on the American Civil War that Harriet Tubman, Fredrick Douglass, etc. should be skimmed over and left for February, they should be taught right in there with Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, etc. not segregated. Unfortunately most schools don't seem to see my point and will instead go through and say, "oh, they had dark skin, teach 'em in February, divorced from their period and what effects they had." That is wrong.


February Roundup - Monthly Celebrations


-American Heart Month
-American History Month
-Black History Month
-Children's Dental Health Month
-International Friendship Month
-National Cherry Month
-National Embroidery Month
-National Grapefruit Month
-National Snack Food Month
-National Wild Bird Feeding Month
-Responsible Pet Owners' Month